ok so recently i stumbled upon this post http://filmdrunk.uproxx.com/2007/12/katherine-heigl-hates-jews . Ok so get over the picture and read the words because I think it raises a serious question. After publically dissing the only good movie she has ever been in(i think of the wringer as ok) now can society officially dissown katherine heigl? She no longer poses any sort of value to movies. First off, She is notorius for being a bitch and i think that quote backs that point up. Which is fine plenty of people in hollywood are probably self center and bitchy, but most of those people are at least hot. That's why people still put up with them, but in heigly's case i just don't see it anymore. See exhibit b (see above). Every movie i have seen her in she has done that face and to me there is no look more unappealing. I don't need to know what she is saying to know what that means. It's the chick flick movie go to look and she has perfected it. It is basically saying "oh my god! you are such a shovanistic pig!" Tell me I'm wrong. On top of that she seeces to have a chin during that look only adding to her already fishy disposition. This seems like a more appropriate love interest for her next movie, or her twin you can decide for yourself. Another thing I hate about her is her teeth. Maybe it's just me but it looks like when she smiles there are large gaps evenly throughout her teeth. Its like she had braces and said "look, I don't want to have to floss anymore. So could you make my teeth just a little wider apart then they normally are? that way the stuff that would normally get stuck can just fall through the large gaps." and the orthodontist said "ya, why the hell not." The only thing she seems to have going for her is her large rack. Which often times is all someone needs to stay famous. All I know is she does terrible movies(minus the previously mentioned) and she looks like a fish (i was even able to find a fish with the same teeth) with DD's. We can't find someone more appealing to give stupid movie roles to?
Heigl is not notorious for being a bitch at all - quite the opposite. She doesn't deserve the media hate campaign at the moment just because she says what she thinks. Secondly you must be blind as well a stupid because she is seriously still the best looking chic in Hollywood.